Welcome to our annual report for the year, providing a comprehensive overview of our organization’s achievements, challenges, and impact over the past year. This report encapsulates our commitment to transparency, sustainability, and continuous improvement. As you delve into the pages, you will discover key insights into our initiatives, projects, and the meaningful strides we’ve made toward our mission.

Your download of this annual report signifies your vital role in our journey, and we invite you to explore the milestones, stories, and data that reflect the collective efforts of our community.

Thank you for being an integral part of our ongoing narrative and for your ongoing support in driving positive change.

ANNUAL REPORT 2022 – Download Here – file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/ANNUAL%20REPORT%202022_1.pdf



Sayari Dunia Sustainable Tourism Foundation is a regenerative and sustainable tourism organization focused on climate mitigation and adaptation, bio-diversity conservation, green development and operating at the intersection of tourism, trade and sustainability for youths, women, inclusive groups, MSMEs, communities and cities.

Physical Address

No. 4, King AJ
Turner Crescent, Wuye, Abuja


+234 (0) 912-252-5250

Sayari Dunia Foundation